
What is Mediation?

Mediation is an opportunity for you and your spouse or partner to meet with a neutral professional trained to assist you to identify and resolve your issues in pre-filing, divorce, paternity or post-Judgment cases. Mediation is a voluntary and informal process. Self-determination is a cornerstone of mediation; the parties make all the decisions in mediation. The mediator is not a judge and has no authority to make decisions or require concessions from either party. The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussion and assist in the negotiation process so that you can reach a mutually agreeable resolution of your outstanding issues.

When and What to Mediate

Mediation can take place before a court case is filed, during a case, or after a Final Judgment if new issues arise. I can assist with Parenting Plans, Equitable Distribution (identifying and dividing marital assets and debts) Alimony and Child Support.

You may choose to participate in mediation with or without attorney(s). Typically, the only people present are you and your spouse/partner and attorneys. Other third persons may participate only with the agreement of all parties.


All information exchanged during a mediation is confidential. Pursuant to Florida law, both the Mediator and the Mediation Participants are required to keep all mediation communication confidential.

This means that after mediation you are not to discuss the conversation with family, friends, or on social media. Please ensure that you have privacy during the mediation.

Virtual Mediations

Currently, I am mediating virtually via Zoom. You may prefer to mediate in person, even though typically parties are in separate rooms during mediation. In-person mediations will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

Louise Halvey SRQ Family Mediator


You may reach a partial, temporary or full agreement. Agreements may be prepared for review by attorneys (if the attorney is not present) or may be signed at mediation, either in person or via Docusign for Zoom mediations. Signed agreements are generally filed with the Court by the parties or the attorney.

Are You Ready to Schedule a Mediation?

Use the calendar and click on the date you want to reserve.

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